replacing broken glass in your window

replacing broken glass in your window

Answering Three Common Glass Repair Questions

Britney Simpson

When the windows of your home or business are damaged, you must act to have these issues repaired to prevent water damage and energy inefficiencies from developing. While repairing damaged glass is a routine type of work, there are many questions that you may have concerning repairing damaged glass.

Will You Have To Pay Out Of Your Own Pocket?

Repairs to window glass can be rather expensive, but these repairs can be necessary for protecting the interior of the home from various types of damage. Luckily, it may be possible for you to avoid the need to pay for these expenses by filing a claim with your insurance company. Due to the secondary complications that can arise from damaged windows, there is a strong incentive for insurance companies to provide coverage for this type of damage. Carefully reviewing your policy will provide you with a complete understanding about whether your insurance policy covers this type of repair as well as the exact steps for filing one of these claims. You may still have deductibles for meeting these expenses, but this expenses may seem minor compared to the savings one of these claims can provide you.

Is Repaired Glass Reliable?

A key advantage of repairing damaged glass versus completely replacing it is that the repair will be the much more affordable option. However, homeowners will frequently avoid having their glass repair despite the lower expense due to an assumption that the repaired glass will be at a higher risk of suffering a failure in the future. However, it should be noted that repaired glass can be extremely durable and reliable. This is due to the quality of the resin that is applied to the damaged area. Typically, your glass will be permanently repaired once the resin has dried. If you experience the unlikely event of having this repair fail, you should schedule for it to be repaired as soon as possible.

Is It Possible To Reduce The Risk Of Glass Damage Occurring?

If you are wanting to minimize the risk of glass damage occurring to your windows and sliding doors, you may be relieved to learn that there are many different types of steps you can take to reduce this risk. For example, you can greatly reduce the risk of damage occurring to the windows by installing storm shutters or glass. These materials are able to take powerful impacts without shattering. Additionally, you should consider opting for safety glass for your windows as this will help to limit the damage that airborne debris can cause your windows.

Contact a service, like Caplan Bros Inc, for more help.


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 replacing broken glass in your window

Do you have a window in your home that is cracked or chipped? Do you keep putting off the repairs because you are unsure about what it will cost you and how extensive of a repair it could be? Did you know that having a window that is cracked or chipped could be putting your family at risk of injury? When a glass panel cracks, the window becomes weak and will not be able to withstand the same force as it did prior to the break or chip. To learn about replacing broken glass in your window, visit my website.
