replacing broken glass in your window

replacing broken glass in your window

Three Tips To Prevent Imperfections On Your Replacement Window Sealant

Britney Simpson

Short of a crack in the glass, inconsistent sealant is one of the worst and most glaring imperfections that a window can have. Therefore, if you're replacing an old panel on one of your window frames for the first time, you should pay the most attention to learning how to best apply window sealant.

To help you on your journey, consider these three tips to prevent imperfections on replacement window sealant for window repair:

Make Sure That All The Metal Clips In Your Frame Move Properly

Many residential glass window don't simply sit on their frames without any kind of specialized support. If you live in a relatively new home, the particular frame you want to work on is likely to have a series of metal hooks on it. These hooks are designed to reduce the pressure on a window while it's being being forced open or closed.

If you have these metal hooks, you definitely want to make sure that they can still move around properly. Don't be afraid to replace some of them if you determine that they won't be able to dampen enough force to prevent your window sealant from getting torn up.

Before It Dries, Cover The Sealant With Duct Tape

While it's drying, window sealant can be moved around by everything from wandering pests to sudden gusts of wind. To prevent random bumps and cracks from forming and hardening, loosely apply a single layer of duct tape to every sliver of sealant you apply.

Take care not to put too much pressure on the sealant while you're applying the duct tape. You shouldn't put on more than one layer, either. Doing one or both of these things will deform the sealant more than if you had left it alone entirely.

Practice Using A Putty Knife Before Your Replacement Job

Despite its usefulness, a putty knife is a very precise instrument that can cause a lot of harm in the wrong hands. Besides creating imperfections on window sealant, you're liable to permanently scratch the edges of a wooden window frame.

So before you start your window replacement job in earnest, practice scraping off excess sealant in a place where you can't damage anything. Both a cinder block on a concrete patio and one corner of a wooden shed are great settings for some harmless experimentation.

If you allow the sealant on your new window to get damaged, you'll be haunted with your mistake every time you look at it. So rather than become a victim of circumstance, take charge now and work hard to keep your window sealant as smooth as possible.


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About Me
 replacing broken glass in your window

Do you have a window in your home that is cracked or chipped? Do you keep putting off the repairs because you are unsure about what it will cost you and how extensive of a repair it could be? Did you know that having a window that is cracked or chipped could be putting your family at risk of injury? When a glass panel cracks, the window becomes weak and will not be able to withstand the same force as it did prior to the break or chip. To learn about replacing broken glass in your window, visit my website.
